A Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day will be held March 29 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Wally Choice Community Center, 45 Maple Ave., Montclair. The evening will present an opportunity for America to thank and honor veterans of the Vietnam War for their service and sacrifice on behalf of a grateful nation. It is also a chance to pay homage to the families of Vietnam era veterans.
All eligible veterans serving on active duty from Nov. 1, 1955 to May 15, 1975 are asked to register with Clarence Jackson at 973-830-7932 or Al Pelham at 973-744-9094 to receive a commemorative lapel pin at the ceremony. The evening is sponsored by Disabled American Veterans Chapter 3 Newark, NJ, Montclair Neighborhood Development Corp. and Essex County Veterans Advisory Board.
115 Bloomfield Avenue
Montclair , New Jersey 07042
Contact Information:
Clarence Jackson