SONESTOWN — On Saturday, July 1 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., the Endless Mountains War Memorial Museum will hold their annual Vietnam Veterans Tribute with two combat veterans as guest speakers.
The guest speakers will be Cary Rhodomoyer, who served in 1967 and ‘68 with the 1st Division, 1st Aviation Battalion, B Co. as flight engineer (crew chief) on a helicopter gunship, and Bob Smith, who served with the 199th light infantry brigade as a sergeant and squad leader. The speakers will share stories, show slides in the new museum wing in the afternoon.
Tours will be available from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and will resume after the speakers conclude. The museum asks attendees to bring folding chairs as seating as limited, and the event is free.
103 Main Street
Muncy Valley , Pennsylvania 17758
Contact Information:
Endless Mountains War Memorial Museum