USS Tom Green County (LST-1159) Shipmate’s Reunion, Minneapolis, Minnesota

08/20/2020 12:00 PM - 08/23/2020 12:00 PM

Annual social reunion of sailors who served on board the USS Tom Green County (LST-1159), spouses and friends. Two events are planned, 1. A day at the Mall Of America with a nice banquet at one of the Mall’s fine restaurants. and 2. A four hour river cruise on the Padelford Riverboat on the Mississippi River at St Paul through lock and dam, including lunch. Host hotel is the Hampton Inn in Eagan, Minnesota. For more information and to get signed up, contact Denn Evans at 612-220-6788 or


3000 Eagandale Place

Eagan , Minnesota 55121

Contact Information:

Denn Evans