Say Hello to New Destinations – National Mobility Awareness Month

05/01/2021 12:00 AM - 05/31/2021 11:59 PM

“Say Hello to New Destinations” as National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA) celebrates the 9th Annual National Mobility Awareness Month.

This annual event is designed to educate seniors, veterans, caregivers, partners in the community, and people with disabilities about wheelchair accessible vehicles and the many adaptive mobility equipment options available to live an active, mobile lifestyle.

During the month of May, NMEDA shines light on the many automotive mobility solutions available for people with disabilities, including everything from safety features and driving accessories to wheelchair accessible vehicles and more.

This year’s theme, Say Hello to New Destinations, encourages fewer boundaries and more possibilities. There will be virtual events held by NMEDA members and a forum on NMEDA’s Facebook page where people can share their stories, participate, and support awareness online.


3327 West Bearss Avenue

Tampa , Florida 33618

Contact Information:

Cheryl Parker
