50th Anniversary Vietnam War Commemoration Ceremony

06/12/2024 7:00 PM - 06/12/2024 11:59 PM

The event is a commemoration ceremony authorized by Congress and the Secretary of Defense to honor veterans of the Vietnam War.
It will be held at Ocean City’s Morvay-Miley-Cruice American Legion Post 524 on Wednesday, June 12, starting at 7 p.m.
Major General Edward J. Chrystal, Jr., U.S. Army Director of The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration, and Col. Patrick Cramer, U.S. Army Chief of the Director’s Action Group, will present Vietnam Veteran lapel pins to honor all who served during the Vietnam War.
The ceremony aims to thank and honor veterans and their families for their service and sacrifices during the Vietnam War Era.
Anyone who served in the military between November 1, 1955, and May 15, 1975, is eligible to be honored, regardless of their duty station.
In cases where an honoree cannot attend the public event, a pin will be presented during a private ceremony.
Paul Banfe, who is heading up Ocean City’s ceremonial operations at Post 524, expressed that the celebration is a gesture of thanks to those who served during a critical moment in the country’s history.
Honorees must register to be part of the ceremony by contacting Paul Banfe at paulbanf@comcast.net.
More information about the national program is available at www.vietnamwar50th.com.


4562 West Avenue

Ocean City , New Jersey 08226

Contact Information:

Paul Banfe
