2021 VVA National Convention

11/03/2021 12:00 AM - 11/03/2021 11:00 PM

Join Us In Greensboro!

November 2-6, 2021, Vietnam Veterans of America and Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America will hold their Biennial  Convention to elect new leadership, review the organizational constitution, and handle other organization business. This year, the convention will visit scenic Greensboro, NC.

Centrally located in North Carolina’s picturesque heartland, Greensboro is the perfect place to relax and enjoy the entertainment after a long day on the convention floor, deciding the future work of VVA. Should you venture from the hotel, check out the red pandas and sharks at the Greensboro Science Center, or visit the Guilford Courthouse National Military Park to update your knowledge of Revolutionary War history. Greensboro has a lot to offer, including a wide range of cuisine to sample, from Southern-style home cooking to ethnic cuisine. Enjoy the camaraderie!

More than 1,200 visitors are expected at the VVA & AVVA 2021 National Convention, with exhibitors representing commercial firms, government agencies, VVA state councils, and VVA & AVVA chapters offering goods and services of interest to member veterans. Past exhibitors have included travel agencies, veterans’ publications, insurance agencies, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and numerous VVA & AVVA chapters and state councils.


3121 W Gate City Blvd.

Greensboro , North Carolina 27407

Contact Information:

Deborah Johnson

